Good designers never start by trying to solve the problem given to them: they start by trying to understand what the real issues are.

Don Norman

In his seminal work, The Design of Everyday Things, Don Norman observes that “good design is actually a lot harder to notice than poor design, in part because good designs fit our needs so well that the design is invisible.” Every designer/artist/creative wants to be appreciated and celebrated and branded “unique”. But a website is more than art–it’s a tool. And tools must be functional and designed for their purpose. The balance of aesthetics and purpose is what makes a tool beautiful.

I believe in trial, error, and iteration. That’s how I learned to walk, learned to ride a bike, learned to drive. Practice really doesn’t “make perfect”, but it does make you better.

I also believe in empathy, and that’s where I begin each UX journey. Who will be reading these directions or watching this video? What are they looking for? What will they find confusing? What will make them want to learn more or click on the next link?

I love the idea that my words can help guide a user through their website or app journey. Like a friendly guide whispering words of encouragement. And maybe giving them a laugh or two along the way.

UX and Design Work

  • From Gov-speak to Understanding: City Building Use Tax Website
    Before This is how the content was given to me by the city finance department: Anyone who performs construction work that requires a City of Golden building permit must pay City building use tax on the cost of construction materials used. Construction materials are estimated to be 1/2 of the cost, and the City building…
  • Introduction to Python “Statements”
    Part 1:  Introduction to Python Statements Video Script Audio Voiceover Screen Visual [Introduction] Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world. This open source, multi-purpose language has a simple, clean, beginner-friendly syntax and allows you to solve complex problems in less time and with fewer lines of codes than other programming languages….
  • Zoning Code Rewrite Ad Campaign
    The City of Golden Planning Department embarked on a project to update the City’s 50-year-old zoning code. After a few weeks of little interest from the public, they requested assistance from our Communications Department to help drive engagement. I met with our videographer for a brainstorming session. Zoning codes are dull but important. We needed…
  • User Error v. Design Flaw
    User Error v. Design Flaw Clarissa Cutrell Last week I built a page for our Police Department to introduce and explain their new online reporting system. I had information from the third party company, but wanted to rewrite and reorganize it to make it more scannable and easier to understand. I mean, if you just… Redesign 2015

201 City of Golden website
2011 City of Golden ( website before redesign.
2015 City of Golden redesigned homepage
Current City of Golden ( website, redesigned in 2015. Preparation for new redesign is underway for 2023. More on that process soon. Build 2017

Guiding Golden: City of Golden Community Engagement site. Designed 2017.